Monday, July 22, 2024

Perhaps science fiction writers were the first to warn us about artificial intelligence and the rise of robot overlords.

Last year, hundreds of AI experts joined in, putting out this dire warning in a single-sentence letter to the world:

“Mitigating the risk of extinction from AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.” 

Succinct. And disturbing.

The extinction mentioned in that letter? I sometimes wonder if AI plans to get rid of us one human at a time.

Take our GPS. 

I have my favorite route to the shore, but I keep the GPS running in case of traffic jams or detours.

For years, the GPS has told me to make an awkward left turn down a narrow side street not far from the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge. I always ignore the advice.

In May, I decided to give the GPS route a try. Maybe it knows something I don’t know?


The artificially “intelligent” route eventually brought me to a T-intersection with Levick Street, one of the busiest roads in the neighborhood — with no traffic light.

“Turn left,” the robotic voice said.

“No way,” I replied.

AI tried again a few months later, on a trip home from Manayunk. We reached a T-intersection at four-lane Henry Avenue — again with no traffic light.

“Turn left,” the GPS said.

That’s a hard no, we decided.

If a left turn won’t get us, how about poison? AI has generated wrong — and dangerous — answers to such questions as: What kind of wild mushrooms are safe to eat? 

And last week, I flinched when Marty, that roving grocery store sentinel, took a quick, sharp turn toward me by the snack aisle. I laughed … sort of.

OK, so where’s the Momentary Joy in all of this?

I’ve seen a sign that maybe, just maybe, our potential overlords have a sense of humor.

I played a game of Scrabble against the computer a while back. It was my turn, and my letter choices less than inspiring. The best word I could come up with?


The computer’s instant reply?


Cowabunga! AI can be our friend! 

Or maybe it’s just lulling us into submission.

Stay tuned.


  1. Spot on! Thanks for the grin at the end of a sobering message.

  2. Thanks for the note, Lori! Oh, we live in interesting times ...

  3. Thank you, Cathy

  4. I’ve never been thrilled with AI and it started after I read a book about robots destroying humanity. If programmers insert humor routinely, and not murderous intent, I COULD change my mind about it!

  5. Yes, perhaps we could reserve judgment ... but sleep with one eye open.
