Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Fallen leaf with water fountain, closed for the season

 Fall is packing up its leaf bags, getting ready to hand over the keys to winter.
(A note for those who like to mark to change of seasons: Winter arrives at 10:27 p.m. tomorrow.)

Late fall brings a beautiful, though sometimes blinding slant of sharp, clear light.

Driving home tonight along a woodsy road, I saw the light wash over the treetops. High branches glowed sunset orange. Below was all shadow.

Around a bend, a looming water tower became the backdrop for huge tree silhouettes.
I quickly parked the car and hurried over to get a closer look, knowing that in a few minutes the light would be gone.

My picture doesn’t do it justice.
Luckily, my mind’s eye captures it just right.

A moment of pure ... whoa!