Wednesday, November 30, 2016

There can be beauty in the gray.
(A view of the Atlantic, from faraway Maine)

Ah, serendipity. 
My morning ritual includes launching NPR One on my phone, to catch up with the latest news. This morning the phone was dying, so I rounded up the charger and plugged it in.
As easily happens (at least to me), I accidentally hit another link on the screen, “Songs We Love.” The newscaster’s voice faded and a beautiful song filled my kitchen: 

“Elegy,” by Leif Vollebekk

I love to dance, and the flowy, syncopated rhythm of “Elegy” got me moving. His lyrics alternate between wistful, hopeful and heartbreaking, and the rain and the gray sky outside my window offered a perfect backdrop.

Thanks, NPR, for loving this song.

And thanks, Leif Vollebekk, for writing it.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Pilgrim ducky and friend.

There are so few Thanksgiving decorations that strike my fancy.
I found the little guy above at our local party store. In cuteness alone, he's worth a lot more than $1.69!

He'll sit on our kitchen windowsill for awhile, until the folks from the Nativity move in.
Happy Thanksgiving! 
May we all get to hang out with some of our favorite people.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

This one's more of a momentary "Oy."
Seen (and felt) at approximately 10:04 tonight: 
Snow, mixed with freezing rain.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

I've often said, it helps when you can make yourself laugh ...

Last week was a long one, capped by the longer day -- and night -- of Nov. 8. (Election Day, remember that?)
On Wednesday, I felt shell-shocked and bleary-eyed. 
That night I was sitting on the sofa in our TV room, when the phone rang. I picked up the phone-shaped object beside me, and stared at it, a bit confused.
The ringing continued.
For a second I thought, "Where is the talk button?"
Then it hit me: There is no talk button on a remote control.
That's when I laughed.

I went back to work at the library on Thursday, and my fog hadn't quite lifted.
I was trying to track down a copy of "Mission Hindenburg," part of "The 39 Clues" series for kids.
I first typed:
"Mission Hindeburg"
2nd attempt:
"Mission Hinedburg"
3rd attempt:
"Mission Hindenenburg"

And that's when I laughed.
(And no one said, "Shhh.")

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It's mourning in America. 
To those who rejoice ... the saying "Be careful what you wish for" comes to mind. 
I pray to be proven wrong.

And I hang on to a quote I've used here before, from Amma, an Indian spiritual leader known as "the hugging saint":

"Don't be discouraged by your incapacity to dispel darkness from the world. Light your candle and step forward."

Step forward, speak out, and hold on. It could be a bumpy ride.
Let there be light.

Monday, November 7, 2016