Thursday, March 11, 2021

See you next time!

On this summery day at the end of winter, I checked off a chore long lingering on my to-do list.

I took down our Christmas lights.

To be fair, I did unplug them a couple Fridays ago. After sunset that night, I took one last look at those brilliant LED colors, gave them thanks, and tugged the cord from the porch outlet.

I stood a moment in wistful darkness.

I can explain why I put off the chore for so long — cold, snow, rain, the aforementioned to-do list — but the main reason is a simple one: In the dead of winter, I like holding onto light.


That, and a personality trait summed up perfectly in a greeting card that makes me laugh:

“I used to just crastinate, then I decided to go pro.”

It’s good to know thyself.


  1. Omg I need that on a tee-shirt!

    1. Yes! And here I am, seeing and replying to your comment belatedly!
