Thursday, September 29, 2022


Laughter ... worth more than 5 points.

I like to play with words.

Fortunately for me, words are everywhere. We read them, hear them, speak them, think them. In my case, I also misread, mishear, misspeak and misthink them. 

Makes for an entertaining, and occasionally confusing, life. As I’ve written here before: It helps when you make yourself laugh.


I’ve been keeping a list, and here are a few of my favorites.

While packing up for a recent vacation:

“Do we need flasheries and batlights?” 

(Holy guano, Batman!)

While reading an email about a library that closed early because of electrical trouble, my brain delivered this:

The Library is closed today due to a power outrage.”

(“Outage,” “outrage,” “tomato,” “tomahto” …)

On coming across a pair of socks I bought for my husband:

“These are your socks. They’re not washed yetso you may not want to eat them.”


And, on glancing at an advice books for parents, I read the title as:

Trampoline Parenting 

An apt metaphor for raising kids, I thought. 

Turned out the actual title is Tranquility Parenting.

I think I like mine better.