Friday, March 2, 2018

Who knew?
I may have a superpower.
This morning, while rain poured down, I considered what turtleneck to wear. The navy blue, with tiny silver snowflakes on the collar, spoke to me.
My thoughts competed.
 “No, it’s almost spring,” said one.
“Go ahead,” said another. “It’s still winter. You won’t be able to wear it much longer.”
(I have my fashion rules. Some people won’t wear white after Labor Day. I won’t wear snowflakes after the spring equinox.)
So, tiny snowflake shirt won out.
A few minutes later I looked out the kitchen window and saw not tiny, but giant snowflakes. Swirls of them, sometimes spinning off sideways across the yard. I drove through swaths of them, and spotted a flock of shocked robins gathered at nearby baseball fields.
The snow and wind barreled through the day, and may be with us through the night.
Ah, the power of wardrobe choices.
Sorry about that.

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