Thursday, June 30, 2022

Nature so often inspires me to write here, but sometimes, human-made creations make my heart leap. 

Case in point, a recent Sunday, when my husband and I took a walk along the canal in Lambertville, N.J. We had wandered off the main path, curious when we saw a runner veer toward a woodsy dirt road. 

Yes, I wanted to explore, but I was also keenly aware of the limits of a 64-year-old bladder. Not far off, we could see the glittering Delaware River between the trees. Then a squat brick building came into view, bearing a most welcome sign: 


Hallelujah! We continued the walk in comfort, rambling along the river bank before heading back into town for ice cream. 

Nature called; humankind answered.


  1. It’s always amazing how a prayer can be answered without even having to formally ask. I so relate to this particular relief!

  2. This is such a welcoming sign of relief!

  3. cathy slobodzian kressAugust 2, 2022 at 4:13 PM

    Ha! Good one, Anonymous.
